Operation Log
# Operation Log
- The operation log section displays the log records for command issuance and firmware upgrades. It allows you to check whether the command issuance and firmware upgrade operations were successful, thereby enabling more efficient device management.
- The operation log list displays the following information: device SN code, device type, operation type, operation details, description, failure reason, operator, operation time, feedback time.
# Logs List
# Function Description
- Search:When you need to quickly find the operation record for a specific device, enter the device SN code, and the page will provide the most relevant results for your search.
- Device Type:Filter by different device types in the log records, with filtering options: All, Hybrid Inverter (PCS-H), Converter (PCS-T), Modular Converter (PCS-M), BMS.
- Operation Type:Filter by operation type in the log records, with filtering options: All, Parameter Command, Firmware Upgrade.
- Operation Status: Filter by the completion status of the operation command, with filtering options: All, Successful, Failed:
- All: All operation records
- Sending: Records of parameter commands that are currently being issued
- Upgrading: Records of firmware upgrades that are currently in progress
- Failed: Records of parameter command issuance and firmware upgrades that have failed
- Successful: Records of parameter command issuance and firmware upgrades that were completed successfully